104th Conversazione and NatHistFest

We are delighted to announce that Cambridge Natural History Society’s CONVERSAZIONE No.104 will be in-person on 14th & 15th April 2023 in the Department of Zoology.
Friday 14th April 1pm – 6pm.  Saturday 15th April 10am – 5pm

For over a hundred years, Cambridge Natural History Society has held an annual exhibition in the Department of Zoology.  It is traditionally called ‘The Conversazione’ because it is a social event where those attending can not only look at displays but also talk to the exhibitors.

As the first in-person Conversazione since 2019 we want to make it a really great event, with lots of hands-on displays. Please put the date in your diaries and start thinking about things you could exhibit. Please share this information with anyone you think may be interested.

If you want to exhibit please read the Information for exhibitors (pdf) and complete the Booking form (word) These documents open in a new window.

The list of exhibitors can be downloaded here.

At our 100th event in 2019 we had over 100 exhibits, from about 70 members and many local organisations.  They covered the whole range of natural history topics, ranging from biodiversity of Mediterranean montado (wood pasture) landscapes to wildlife in my garden, a diversity of fauna, including bees, earthworms, larks, leaf-miners, moths, snails, and snakes. Other displays related to the work of local organisations, the NatHistCam project whose book has now been published, trees on the Science Park, edible exotic fungi and much more.

The 2019 programme, and those of previous events, can be downloaded here: https://www.cnhs.org.uk/previous-conversazione-programmes/

And photos from the Conversazione and previous ones can be seen on our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/CNHS1857 – Click Photos, Click Albums, Scroll down to and click on e.g. “Conversazione 2019 Photo Album” to see a record of a joyous and fascinating event.  Or click on https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2331765970242486&type=3