
Benefits: Members receive a programme card three times a year by email, or printed if collected at a meeting, as well as emails informing them of forthcoming activities.

If meetings take place online, members will be emailed the link and instructions regarding joining the meeting without having to book. When meetings which take place online are recorded, members are sent a link after the meeting enabling them to watch and hear the talk at their leisure.

Where there is an admission charge for events, members get reduced rates.

Joining the Society gives you opportunities to meet people with shared interests and access to local experts.

Email list: We have an email list for advance notification of events, which is open to anyone.  Simply email to be added to the list and follow any instructions you are sent.  The list will only be used by the CNHS officers to send emails. You can unsubscribe by emailing

Subscription rates: annual, £6 (£5 if paid by standing order); three years, £14; life £100.   

Join at any meeting or contact membership [at]

Membership form [opens in new tab]. Please download, print, complete and return by post or email. The details are on the form.

Download the latest Programme Card .

Download a list of the spring talks.