Where are Cambridgeshire’s Mammals?

About us –

  • Cambridgeshire Mammal Group formed in 2007
  • made up entirely of volunteers specialising in mammals
  • give up their time for the conservation and protection of Cambridgeshire’s wild mammals

After a very quiet 2020 with Covid restrictions, this year it has been excellent to get out and we have managed to survey for small mammals with Longworth traps every month from July this year.

Group activities 2021:

In April 2021 we launched an exciting project “CambsMammalSpot” which is a collaborative project with the Wildlife Trust BCN, Mammal Web and the Mammal Society. The aims are to:

  • collate data on mammal signs and sightings across the county
  • create a visual understanding of the population and diversity of the mammalian species inhabiting the county
  • aid in determining the IUCN’s Red List of threatened species status of those mammals

There is currently a distinct shortage of records in the county. We need to know, where in the county there are wild mammals? which species we have? and how many of them we have?

We have collated 297 records that represent 27 mammalian species across the county in 107 locations so far. But we have lots lacking, species considered “common” such as moles, squirrels, hedgehogs and rabbits are so often under-recorded.

There were no moles recorded on the project in Cambridgeshire in June, July and September! Only one rabbit in August, July and September!

Please help us record these mammals so we have accurate records.

Could you be a spotter or a trapper?

You could get involved – help us record Britain’s wild mammals and fill in the gaps of data across the county, we are particularly lacking in the North East of the county.

This is where residents of Cambridgeshire can help – what mammals do you see in your garden? and out and about? do you have a trail camera? or would you like to help identify mammals? We would love you to help us with some citizen science.

Look in your gardens:

Look for:

Do you have access to a camera trap?

We have three ways you can record this vital data, please use the web links or QR codes to access further information:

Let’s get Cambridgeshire’s wild mammals recorded!

Small mammal trapping – Kings College, Cambridge University Botanical Garden, Grafham churchyard, Edwards woodland, Paxton Pits, Wandlebury Ring, Jesus Green, Dernford, Wicken Fen. See website for full reports. http://www.cambsmammalgroup.org.uk/reports.html

Harvest mouse nest searching

Badger surveys – members have been resurveying setts across the county, here are some signs you can look for:

Future projects

Cambridgeshire otter survey runs from end Nov 2021-end Feb 2022 with a total of 290 sites to cover a joint project with Wildlife Trust BCN – led by Ruth Hawksley, contact on Ruth.Hawksley@wildlifebcn.org for information on joining a training event and participating in this vital survey.

Water vole surveying – 2022 season across Cambridgeshire for the PTES National Water Vole Monitoring Programme.

Small Mammal Trapping events – various Cambridgeshire locations

More information about what we do is in our leaflet at:
Our website address is:
and our e-mail address is: cambsmammal@gmail.com