Nature in Cambridgeshire, an annual journal with items of local interest and published in association with the CNHS, has its own web site. The site also holds back numbers of Martin Walters’ Cambridge Weekly News articles. Some back numbers of Nature in Cambridgeshire may be available at CNHS meetings and the set from No 1 to 50 is available on CD.
Wildlife Trust
The lecture programme of the Cambridge local group of the Wildlife Trust runs from September to April, with site visits over the summer. See our Events diary or the WT events web page for details. Talks during the autumn to spring are usually on the last Monday of the month and are normally held in the the David Attenborough Building, starting at 7.30pm. Talks for autumn 2020 will be held online. Contact Ed Turner ect23 at
The Trust runs work parties on Wednesdays, which carry out work on sites across the city, including LNRs and green corridors, and there are also conservation tasks to work on more distant sites outside the City. The meeting point varies, but for out of town tasks is at 9:30 am at the Babraham Road P&R. Contact Iain Webb on 01954 713531. Other voluntary work is carried out on occasional Sundays.
For details of other events and weekend conservation work see the WT events web page. Alternatively contact the Cambridgeshire Office in Cambourne or phone on 01954 713500.
There is an Ely local group, which also has events listed on the WT events web page. Ely Wildspace is another group working for wildlife in Ely.
Local specialist groups
The Cambridgeshire Flora Group has monthly excursions during the summer and publishes an annual newsletter which lists the summer excursions. There is an online list of the Cambridge Flora compiled by Gigi Crompton.
The Cambridgeshire Bryology Group has fortnightly excursions during the winter. The Cambridgeshire lichens group also has regular excursions.
Other groups that may be of interest to CNHS members
The Cambridge University Scientific Society (CUSS)
The CU Veterinary Zoological Society
The CU Nature Society
The Cambridge University Biological Society
The Cambridgeshire Bird Club
The Cambridgeshire Geological Society
The Cambridge University Botanic Garden often has events of interest.
Planet a Cambridge student blog looking at the intersection of plants and society
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Environmental Records Centre organises events across the wider county.
The Cambridge University Department of History and Philosophy of Science seminars “Cabinet of Natural History“
Madingley Hall Institute of Continuing Education
Astronomical events
For astronomical information see the Society for Popular Astronomy web page or the Heavens Above web site. The Institute of Astronomy on Madingley Road in Cambridge has an observing evening every Wednesday during the winter and these run from early October until the end of March. The evenings start with a public lecture at 7:15pm in the Hoyle Building, then if it is clear, observing using some of the telescopes at the Institute. The entrance is clearly signed.
The CNHS gratefully acknowledges support from
The City Council organises environmental events throughout the year and across the City. Environmental issues are included in the Council magazine Cambridge Matters.
There is a website for local nature reserves in Cambridge, and you can download the guide to the reserves which the Council has published.