Because of the coronavirus pandemic the 2020 Conversazione was unable to take place on Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th April. However we have put together an online NatHistFest with displays from some of our members.
The online NatHistFest was launched at the Seasonal NatHistFest on 10th December 2020. It is now open for viewing into 2021.
Each exhibit has its own webpage. Click on the links below to go to the exhibit.
Cambridgeshire Geological Society The Fen Edge Trail
Cambridgeshire Geological Society Geo-conservation in the community
Cambridgeshire Mammal Group Recent activities and new leaflet
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Amphibian and Reptile Group Current activities
Sandra Chapman Beehive intruders
Meg Clarke A bioregional quiz
Richard Dowsett Small-scale charcoal making
Friends of Cherry Hinton Brook The latest newsletter and Chair’s Report August 2019 – July 2020
Monica Frisch Some interesting street plants
Roger Horton Tweets from a small hill [link opens in a new window]
Gwenda Kyd Seasonal Plants: Peace and Goodwill to All?
Steve Parnwell Madeleine’s Patch
David Rees Local fungi Autumn 2020
Jonathan Shanklin Cambridgeshire’s protected road verges [link opens in a new window]
Jonathan Shanklin CNHS survey 2020
Jonathan Shanklin Nature in Cambridgeshire
Rhona Watson The Golden Hoverfly Callicera Spinolae