3rd online NatHistFest

The 2022 online NatHistFest will be opened on Thursday 24th November 2022 at an online meeting of Cambridge Natural History Society. As well as the formal opening, there will be some short talks from exhibitors:

  • Mario Shimbov    Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Amphibian and Reptile Group     
  • Caroline Murray  Friends of Cherry Hinton Brook
  • John O’Boyle       Cambridge Conservation Volunteers
  • Penny Coggill      Cambridgeshire Geological Society

As in 2021, the NatHistFest will consist of a variety of displays, on pages on the CNHS website, mainly from local naturalists and natural history organisations. Click here to go to the list of this year’s exhibitors.

The exhibits from 2021 are still available to view online at https://www.cnhs.org.uk/conversazione/2nd-online-nathistfest/

•        NatHistFest exhibits can be a set of photos with captions or text with some photos.

•        Please send exhibits as Word documents and images (jpg format).

•        The subject of your display should relate to natural history but does not have to be specifically Cambridgeshire.

•        Exhibits should be different from those you presented in 2021, if you did, as those exhibits are still on our website.

•        Each exhibit will have its own page on the website with the title of the exhibit, name of exhibitor and any other details you wish to make public.

•        All material, including photos, will be credited as requested.

•        All material, including photos, remains the copyright of the exhibitor and will only be used for the CNHS NatHistFest, or to promote it.

Submission details

•        Please submit exhibits by email to website@cnhs.org.uk as soon as they are ready and definitely by 10th November 2022.

•        Word documents and images should be sent as files smaller than 5MB.

•        Exhibits will be added to the website, but they will not be made public until 24th November.

We are looking forward to receiving a wide variety of interesting displays for the third online NatHistFest.