CNHS autumn talks

The CNHS autumn programme has now been arranged with eight talks, two field studies, a fungal foray and a seasonal social.

The first talk is on Thursday 10th October when Brian Eversham will give a talk entitled: Overlooked wildlife, or, Why are there
so many species?
Brian is a very knowledgeable and entertaining speaker and this will be a fascinating and revealing talk. It will take place in the David Attenborough Building at 6:45 p.m. Please arrive promptly. Tea and coffee available before hand. Admission is free.

The talks on 17th and 31st October and on 7th, 21st and 28th November will be in a new venue: the James Dyson Building. This is in the Department of Engineering. To find this room, go in via the main entrance to the department from Trumpington St (opposite Hot Numbers coffee shop, entrance marked by a metal sculpture). After a short distance, turn into the space on your left and go straight ahead. You will pass the main Baker Building of the department on your right and the Architecture Department on your left. The James Dyson Building is ahead of you, with some bicycle racks in front of it. The entrance is via a revolving door, but if this turns out to be locked then someone will let you in via a door just to the right of it. The seminar room is directly on your left, on the ground floor.

Please join the CNHS mailing list by emailing This will mean you will be sent an email shortly before each event, reminding you about the event and the location.