Talks resume, online by zoom, on Thursday 4th February at 7:30 p.m.
Membership costs only £6 (£5 if paid by standing order) and all members will be sent the zoom links for the talks. See our membership page for full details of the benefits of membership and how to join.
To receive information on CNHS events, without the other benefits of membership, join the email list by contacting webmaster [at] to be added to the list. Please make sure that your spam filter (yahoo email addresses in particular) does not reject the messages.
The first talk, on 4th February, is “Bees, bee conservation and bee roads” by Rosie Bleet
11th February: “Monitoring bats at the Cambridge University Botanic Garden” by Chantal Helm
18th February: “Kings College wildflower meadow” by Cicely Marshall
25th February: “Botanical explorations of Haiti” by Paul Hoxey
Speakers for talks in March are still being finalised.
It is currently intended that CNHS outdoor events will go ahead when they are again permitted by the Government. When they do, advance booking will be required for all meetings to ensure that numbers are restricted to the allowed limit. The first might be the visit to Trumpington Meadows on 14th March which is part of the CNHS field studies for 2021.